6 Aug 2017

The Wonders of Sacrifice | Read Facts

....A sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice well pleasing unto God (Phil 4:18)

Every child of God should know what sacrifice means! God delights so much in the sacrifices of His people. Each time we see another day, month or years He expects us to respond to the gifts by offering to Him sacrifice in various form! There is nothing we have that has not been taken care of! SALVATION IS FREE TODAY BECAUSE JESUS PAID FOR IT! There is nothing in life that is free! Jesus Christ was offered to God as a sacrifice! He had to die for us to live! WONDERS TAKE PLACE WHEN WE OFFER SACRIFICES UNTO GOD!

1. Abraham's sacrifice was Isaac his only son. God was moved and gave him back what he has given and also gave him so much more than he could imagine!

Do you want God to do exceedingly, abundantly? You need to give God your Isaac! We should not be asking for Abraham's blessings without seeking to know how he got the blessing! He discovered the wonders of sacrifice! He gave all! He gave his best! He gave the first issue! God demands the best from us today! If He had done so much for us, we should be ready to offer Him our best! GIVE HIM YOUR ISAAC.

Nothing moves God than our sacrifice! Jesus Christ was a sacrifice of God to reverse the impending judgement that is coming to the world! God gave His only begotten Son! He gave HIS best. There is nothing we give God that is in vain! You cannot experience regret for giving your best to GOD! Infact, God will not only give you back what you have given to Him, but HE will also bless you in hundred folds!
Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice! If you could not have gotten here by your own power, then you need to offer God a sacrifice.... Give God what He deserves from you!

What are the wonders of sacrifice?

Every sacrifice is a covenant. Each time you give God your best, you are consciously or unconsciously entering into a covenant relationship with God! Noah did that after the flood, God gave a rainbow as a reminder that such will never happen again!

2 Every sacrifice attracts God blessing and blessing! God cannot but bless a man who gives Him is best! You cannot miss His blessing!

3 Sacrifices avert evil! Dont forget the fact that in most cases, when we give God our best, Evils are averted! It nullifies what could have affected us negatively! It nullifies judgement, evil and danger!

4 Your sacrifices affect your generations! Every seed of the best quality that is sown today is for the generations yet unborn! Abraham is in heaven today but we are still enjoying his blessings! Your sacrifice today will determine the fate of the next generations!
1 Give God your best!
2 Give Him your Isaac!
3  Give Him a more excellent sacrifice!
4  Give Him your all!
5 Give Him what will touch Him at this season!
He delights so much in your sacrifices! He is always waiting to have it.
May all your sacrifices this year and this season be acceptable unto Him in Jesus name! Happy new month and enjoy the season!

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