28 Aug 2021

Would There Be Husband And Wife In Heaven? Find Answers

There has been lots of saying, where some says there would, another says there wouldn't, some also say there might be. To clear all doubts, Jesus had already cleared the air in the scripture.

Before going into what Jesus said, let's first do self-examination about spiritual things. And remember, if you are canaly minded, you would be minded of the physical things (worldly things) but if you are spiritually minded, you would be minded of heavenly and spiritual things and also do not forget that if you are born of the spirit you would be mindful of the invisibles but if you are born of flesh, the flesh will always override and you would be mindful of earthly things. (Romans 8vs5-6)

Now, on self-examination, let's think about what happens to our bodies and spirits when we die. It's obvious we all know a dead body will decompose - returning back to dust, but our souls or spirits goes back to God. If now possible for some husbands and wives to inherit the kingdom of God, would their spirits remarries? And if they do, would they be mating for children? If they do, would their pregnant wives start having same stress and pain on earth? All answers are capital NO! And this is why; In the kingdom of God, there is no stress, pain, sexual activities, reproduction or any sorts of earthly things except praising and worshipping God.

Heaven is too holy to behold or allow sexual activities. And besides, a supernatural being can't marry another spirit being. It's same as an angel can't marry another angel. 

A human soul is like an appearance of an angel. All souls in heaven will only come together in one accord to worship and glorifies the Lord forevermore. Heaven is a place of happiness and everlasting joy.

On earth, the pleasure of sex amongst husbands and wives is only satisfying the FLESH and bearing of children but not satisfying the SPIRIT. The spirit can only be satisfied with heavenly things like singing praises, knowing more of God and rejoicing in the Lord. These are spiritual meals that satisfy the spirit both on earth and in heaven.

God is not expecting any reproduction in heaven. He already allowed that on earth and that was why He commanded us that we should "be fruitful and multiply, fill the whole world and subdue it" (Gen 2vs28). Besides, He has billions of Angels already to adore Him excluding the fallen angels.

On human judgement and understanding, the above statement should have made some clarification by now and if not clear enough, let's see what Jesus said.

Jesus knowing all things from the beginning of the world till the end (Rev 22v13). Many in the land of Israel knew this that was why they like asking questions calling Him Rabbi (teacher) and any reply He gave was the final say.

On a day, some group of sadducees came to Jesus and asked Him "there was a woman who got married to a man, not long enough, the man died. Another man married same woman, that man also died. The third man married her, he died also right down to the seventh man. Eventually, the woman dies. Whose wife will she be of the seven men at the resurrection since they were all married to her?" (Matthew 22v23-28)

Then Jesus replied "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven."(Matthew 22vs29-30). 

In another reply to the teachers of the law in the book of Luke 20vs34-36, Jesus said "The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection."

This simply means, heaven is a deathless place. The number of saints that will inherit the kingdom of God after judgment will neither decrease nor increase. The number remain same forever and ever. Amen!

The only wedding in heaven is ONE and it will occur after rapture. This is the wedding of the Lamb ( Jesus, the bridegroom) where all saints (male and female) would make themselves ready with fine linen, bright and clean, that would be given them to wear. (Rev 19v7-8)

Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.

"Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Rev 19v9).

I hope this message already cleared some doubts?

God bless!

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