6 Aug 2017

Benefits of Giving | Learn More

As we all know that it's more blessed to give than to receive (Act 20v35).
Christ Himself gave up His life for us, i.e. He is concerned about humanity, so He gave...
all He has to humanity again. This is another evidence that shows that Jesus Christ as our perfect example.

Jesus demonstrated giving to us by giving His own life for us, we are also expected to give what we have unto others, i.e. Meeting each other's need as a believer.


  1. It releases God's blessings upon the giver and the receiver 
  2. It eradicate wants and needs (Poverty) 
  3. It provokes God to make several covenant with us
  4. It can make you escape death. (Act 9v39-40)
It is simply wants, poverty, Lack. Etc

  • Noah (Gen 8:20-21)
  • Cain and Abel (Genesis) 
  • The widow of zarephat (1 King 17v12-15)
  • Dorcas (Act 9:36-40
  • Cornelius (Act 10:30-32)
  • Abraham, Lot (Genesis) 
In giving you are expected to give your best not what is no more useful to you. Give what is very important to you (Gen. 4v1-5). Give room for people to share with the whole house how God has blessed them through giving 

The Bible has said it all, whatever you sow, you will reap. If you have sown much, you will surely reap enough. God will not owe you anything, givers does not lack and this has been established Biblically (The Zarephat widow). 

If you have not been giving before now, please from today cultivate the habit and as you do that you will see the hand of God in another dimension. God bless you.(Amen).

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