6 Aug 2016

What Heaven Is And What It Looks Like | Pls Read

Heaven is a place prepared for those that are Redeemed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is new Jerusalem - Rev. 21:1-2, 10. It's a Holy place, capital city of God's nation, where there is no blemish of sin. A blessed city.

Important Things To Know About Heaven 
  1. It is where God dwell. Act. 7:46-48, 1Kings 8:27. 
  2. It is a city of God. Heb. 12v22
  3. IIt's a place where Jesus Christ our Lord is, in the presence of God. Heb. 9v24
  4. Heaven is a place where angels and Saints live. Luke 15v10
  5. It is an eternal habitation for the believers, where the souls of the saints will ascend to. 2Cor 5v8 
  6. Heaven is a place of perfect love, peace and praise. Rev. 2v7, 21v27
  7. HHeaven is a place where we can jointly worship with them. Matt 17v3-4
  8. It's a place where glory is not measured, where there are many mansions and things. John 14v1-3
  9. It's a place of freedom form slavery, bruises, danger etc that trouble one in this world but exist not in Heaven. Rev. 21v4-6
What Heaven Is Like

The glory that stands like a new Jerusalem are these :
  • The New Jerusalem. Rev. 21v10 "... the glory of God, and her light is like a stone most precious, even like jasper stone, clear as crystal" Rev 21v11
  • Each part of this precious stone, surrounds the four corners of this city. Rev. 21v11-12.
  • The twelve gates with Angels as watchmen. Rev. 21v21
  • The building of the walls of the house is with jaspers. The city is full of pure gold Rev. 21v21. Pearls stands for the unity and precious things. Matt. 13v45-46.
  • The city has a wide measurement. Rev. 21v15-17.
According to today's calculation, each side of the city is about one and half thousand in it length. The city has four similar sides in breath, it is about 2:25 million. This shows that the city will contain more than four billion redeemers. What kind of glorious gathering would this be when we meet at the new Jerusalem. May the Lord count you worthy to be there in Jesus name.

Repent today for you also to walk on the street of Gold. God bless you!

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