28 Aug 2021

Would There Be Husband And Wife In Heaven? Find Answers

There has been lots of saying, where some says there would, another says there wouldn't, some also say there might be. To clear all doubts, Jesus had already cleared the air in the scripture.

14 Mar 2021

Important Things To Know About Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a power tool for everyone use at every point needed but the problem is, some people have considered it a sin if they forgive or I say they've considered it a cheat over them if forgive the offenders.

6 Jul 2019

THE MISSING GROOM - A Touching Message

The members of the Praise Band had by now become exhausted. They had been singing for almost straight three hours. The groom, Frank, was a band member too. So they had actually prepared to give their own the very best ministration.

A Short Message On EMOTIONAL ADULTERY - Is Anyone Exempted?

My husband had been invited to a Men’s Prayer Meeting, which was meant to last for 2 hours. I had to tag along because we had a wedding reception to attend after the prayer meeting.

2 Dec 2018

10 Important Facts From The Bible - Word For Today

1. Noah built the ark by faith but, he used measurements. There is a place for rational thinking in our walk of faith. Not all decisions should be made with blind hope!

29 Aug 2018

He Finally Came To Church Well Dressed But Dead - A Short Story Of A Little Boy Who Was Rejected By Bible Teacher

An 8-year old boy from a poor background attended Sunday school for the 1st time. He had never heard such songs & stories before. He had never heard anyone read from the Bible.

26 Apr 2018

Your Greatest Enemy Is Not The Devil But Your Flesh | Read Facts

It has been a common saying among all when someone is found guilty of a terrible act, it will definitely be refer to the devil.

23 Jan 2018

Matthew 5:9-19 "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God"

The Word of God for us today that we should always remember. May God help us all to be the doer of His Words and not only the hearer or reader.

5 Oct 2017

Don't Rejoice When Your Enemies Fall | READ WHY

'Don't rejoice when your enemies fall.' Proverbs 24:17 NLT
In life, you’ll make foes as well as friends. It can’t be avoided; it just comes with the territory.

24 Aug 2017

Message To Those Who Focus On Church Members Before Going Or Not Going To Church

A lady went to a priest and said...  I won't be attending Church anymore.. He said, may I ask why? She said, I see people on their cell phones during service, some are gossiping, some just ain't living right, they are all just hypocrites.

Are You Tired Of Stagnancy? Read This Powerful Message From Pastor Enoch Adeboye

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1:8

Powerful Message About Marriage & Relationship By Myles Munroe

The word "Eden" is an Hebrew word for "where God dwells", so the first thing God gave man was "His Presence".

6 Aug 2017

INTERESTING!!! Father's Advice To His Son When He Was Searching For A Wife | Pls Read

My son, I will be very raw and sincere with you. Do not worry about the size of a woman buttock or breast but worry about the size of her heart and brain.

Message For Couples And Those About To Get Married | Must Read

To my brothers, carry your wife to the bed when she sleeps off in the sitting room, make her feel like a baby at times. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2 yr old girl at times, that's why women behave childish or silly at times.

Very Interesting!!! What A Mother Told Her Son A Day Before His wedding | Read

Mummy's boy , Listen very well, you are now a man. Tomorrow you will have a new mother, a new cook and a new person to share all your secrets with . It will no longer be me but her. Love your new mum even more than you love me.

The Seven Meaning of SUCCESS | Read

This seven key words "SUCCESS" has always been the race of man on daily basis. We pursue the word always in most of our endeavors so we could achieve it, but do we really know it meaning? I mean each letter of the seven words.

She Didn't Give Up | Read Her Testimony

In 1950s Mary Kay Ash was the first woman to sit on the board of directors at the World Gift Company. But it wasn't all that smooth sailing! Although, she had earned a place in the corporate world, her associates refuse to take her seriously and accused  her of "thinking like a woman".

Interesting Story About A Cracked Pot | Pls Read

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

10 Symptoms of a Weak Christian | Must Read

1. Nothing tells you it is time for Bible studies. JOHN 1:1-3.

2. You don't even feel bad when you don't go for prayer meetings. 1THES. 5:17

Benefits of Giving | Learn More

As we all know that it's more blessed to give than to receive (Act 20v35).
Christ Himself gave up His life for us, i.e. He is concerned about humanity, so He gave...

In The Worship Zone! What Do We Have There? Find Out

Someone has said  that we are not human beings trying  to  have  a spiritual  experience  but  spiritual  beings trying  to have  a human  experience.

3 Types of People to Stay Away From | MUST READ

Their will always be some set of people you will like to stick with, likewise their will always be the otherwise too i.e people you need to stay away from.

The Three Rules For Living | A Must Read!

To succeed in life you must do these three things :

1. Decide what is important. The story's told of a family  who moved to a country to get the country to get away from city. They decided to raise cattle, so they bought a ranch.

The Perfect Journey | Pls Read

I went to Genesis hotel through Exodus road. On the way, I saw Leviticus recording the Numbers of people at Deuteronomy, while Joshua was waiting at the Beautiful gate for Judges to see Ruth calling loudly "Samuel, Samuel".

Why You Should Do What You Love & Love What You Do | Read

Succesful people allow their God-given passion and talent to guide them in life. They have a single focus and an undivided heart.

How To Turn Your Life Around | Read

Ruth turned her life around when she was bereaved, broke and barren. How?
First: By choosing the right mentor. She told Naomi, '... Wherever you go, I will go...' (Ruth 1v16).

Hearing From God | Part One

The reality of God's voice (His Word) and His willingness to speak to man is clearly stated in the scripture. The Bible is full of 'God said' from the beginning to the end.

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