30 Oct 2015

The Spirit of Wisdom

During His earthly ministry Jesus needed 'the spirit of Wisdom' when it came to making decisions and dealing with the enemy. As believers, that same spirit lives in us.

29 Oct 2015

Why You Should Keep Priorities In Place | Read

As a boy of twelve, Jesus said, 'I must be about my father's business. 'During His ministry He said, 'I must work the works of Him that sent me... '(John 9:4).

28 Oct 2015

Are You Called To Be a Servant? Find Out

When Paul called himself a bond - servant of Christ, he was referring to an Old Testament law under by which you serve your master faithfully for six years.

How To Become Righteous | Read

To be 'saved' you must put your trust in Christ, and nothing else. You say, 'but if I clean up my act?' No, there are people who live better by accident than you do on purpose.

16 Oct 2015

The Butterfly Effects | Learn From This Creature

Have you heard about the butterfly effects? In physics, it describes how tiny changes in initial conditions (such as flap of a butterfly wings) can affects weather thousands of miles away.

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